A New Jersey MVC Approved Defensive Driving Course







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Insurance Discount Safety Course

Driver Training the Easy Way
Our aggressive driving course is packed with interesting statistics and easy to understand course material, providing a top-quality course curriculum to satisfy your court requirement.
Take the Course at Your Own Pace
Our online course allows you to complete the class on your schedule. You can sign-in and sign-out whenever you wish and your system keeps track of your progress.
Study Anywhere, Anytime
Not computer savvy? No problem! We have designed our website and our course to be user-friendly and easy to understand from start to finish.

Understand Your Options

Getting a ticket can be stressful. NewJerseyDefensiveDrivingNow.com provides you with everything you need to make an informed choice and still satisfy all court requirements.


Understanding your options can save you money now and save you money in the long run. Courts often give you a reduced fine for attend a traffic school / defensive driving course. You can often avoid increases in insurance premiums due to moving violations as a result of electing a traffic school / defensive driving course option.


YellowTicket.com provides you with links to County and State agencies including Clerk's Offices, Court Locations, DMV offices, Secretary of State offices and licensing bureaus. In addition to this are useful forms and publications such as your State Driver Handbook. We can even help you get a copy of your driving record.


Our website is available even when the courts are closed - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - to provide you with everything you need.


NewJerseyDefensiveDrivingNow.com - Where Smart Drivers Go. Learn everything you need to know about your traffic ticket.